Purchase Agreement Sample Word

If the valuation shows that the property needs “repairs required by the lender” or if the property is less than the estimated value, check the second box and note the number of business days that allow for the renegotiation of this contract in the empty field just before the words “Business Days”. If a negotiation is not possible, the content of these documents ends and becomes invalid. Some states require that a sales and use tax be added to the purchase price of personal property sold. Be sure to specify in your purchase and sale contract who is responsible for these taxes. The document is needed at some point when you buy a property from another. This is a legal form that you will eventually come across during the process of buying a home. When buying a home, there are countless steps, all of which take place before the simple purchase contract template can be filled in with the information the document needs. First, you need to work with a real estate agent to find the home you want (a process that can take weeks or months, depending on what you`re looking for and the availability of the real estate you have). Then the complex negotiation process begins, where you make a counteroffer to the seller`s initial price. A disclosure is a statement or appendix to a purchase agreement that reveals information about the property. Disclosure is generally only provided when required by local, state, or federal law. The first article, “I.

The Contracting Parties shall make the declaration initiating this Agreement. The wording is designed to determine the intent of both parties, so it needs certain situation-specific information that can be recorded. Start by specifying the month, two-digit calendar day, and two-digit calendar year when these documents take effect by using the first two empty lines of the first statement. We will now turn our attention to the different parties who enter into this agreement: the seller and the buyer. The second statement contains four spaces that must be used to identify the buyer. Specify the display name of the entity that wants to acquire the seller`s property in the empty field associated with the Buyer Parentheses label. The following three empty fields have been inserted so that we can record the postal address of, the city of and the status of the reported buyer. The seller must also be defined in this part of the agreement. Be sure to enter the owner`s full name in the empty field labeled “Seller.” Again, we need to provide additional information. Use the following three fields to enter the mailing address, city, and state of the business that sells the residential property in question.

In the next article “II. Legal description”, we will focus on the residential property that is sold to the buyer. First of all, we need to define what type of property it is. For this purpose, a list of checkbox items has been inserted. Select the check box that best defines the property for sale. You can check the box “Detached house”, “Condominium”, “Development of planned units (PUD)”, “Duplex”, “Triplex”, “Fourplex” or “Other”. Note that if you select the Other field as the description for this property, you must specify the definition in the blank row associated with this selection. The next section of this article should provide a space titled “Street and House Number.” Specify the exact physical location of the residential property in question for this line. This should include the building number of the accommodation, street/street/road/etc.

Name, if applicable unit number, neighborhood/city/county, state and zip code where the property in question can be physically viewed and accessed. We will continue this report by specifying its “Information on Tax Parcels” in the next available empty line. This information can be called “Parcel ID” or “Tax Card and Lot Number” depending on the county in which it is located. If this information is not available, contact the Registrar/Registrar of Records in the county where the property is located to obtain it. Any “other description” associated with the premises for sale must be indicated up to the last empty line of this section. Article “III. ” Personal Property” allows both parties to define any personal property (i.e. air conditioning) that will be included in the previous section when purchasing the official description of the property. Enter any type of personal property that will be sold with the residential property in the empty lines of this section. This document also specifies a specific expiry date on its terms. Find “XXVIII. Offer Expiration”, and then use the blank lines shown here to indicate the date and time of the final calendar by which this Agreement is to be signed or considered invalid.

If seller has not signed such documents by the calendar date specified herein, all genuine money donated shall be returned to Buyer and these Terms shall be deemed to have been revoked by Seller. In many cases, disclosures must be made. All disclosures attached to completed documents must be properly documented. Article “XXXI. Disclosures” so that we can indicate the status of these attachments. If there are no accompanying disclosures, check the first box (“There are no additions or attachments..”).